
Some of the projects I did during the semesters.


January, 2017- May,2017

A software to track vehicle license plate numbers. My main contribution in this group project was to write a program that gathers the matched data from the database and displays the possible routes on a Google Map API based on the user’s requested date and time.

Fit and Happy- Game App Design

January, 2017- March, 2017

I designed a game for corporation wellness based on game mechanics.

Welcome To My Page

December, 2016

A webpage as my final project. I used a translation API and Twitter API to translate tweets that contained “#CSC365” into the language that the user desired. I also included a simple customized login for anyone who wants to login.

Super Mario 64 Themed House

October, 2015- December, 2015

A computer graphics group project inspired by the game Super Mario 64 where the user can explore a 3D building, open doors, and have Mario’s perspective. Using OpenGL, we implemented rendering techniques to the 3D building that we designed.